Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Source 1.

Mindy,Nell,and vikas title- Think Quest The envoirment at the Global
challenge Http;//library.thinkquest.org/26026/enviormental-
problems/waterpollution.html. 1999. 10-11-10

Source 2.
- Luther Kane

Title- Stop Global Warming

Web Address- http;//www.stopglobalwarming.org/

copyright date- 2005-2010

date found- 10-11-10

Source 3.

Aurthor- Irina Ignatoua

Title- Air pollution

Web address- http;//www.tropical-rainforest-animals.com /air-pollution.html

Source 4.

Aurthor- Marina Silva

Title- Deforestation

Web Address- http;//www.guardian.co.uk/enviorment/deforestation

copyright date- 2010

Date found- 10-11-10


  1. The sources are not posted in the correct format. The guide was on the wall as well as in your blog post 9.

  2. You forgot to title the blog correctly as well and the links are not working.
